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RICS Surveys in Clapham: Survey Types

Property Valuation Report 

A valuation, independent of a mortgage lender, can aid negotiation when buying or selling. A valuation is not a survey. For a comprehensive report on the condition of the property, please select a HomeBuyer Report or Building Survey.

The report includes:

  • An executive summary of the property

  • An independent valuation of the property

  • 3 comparable properties

  • Please note the Property Valuation Report does NOT include an estimate a reinstatement cost as standard but this is available as an optional extra

RICS Homebuyers Report

A HomeBuyer Report is most suitable for modern properties, unmodified and not-extended properties, properties of standard brick and tile construction or a standard older building in a reasonable condition. The results will give advice on any defects that may affect the value of the property, along with recommendations for repairs and ongoing maintenance. The HomeBuyer Report excludes any detailed description of the construction of the building or detailed advice on specific defects.

The report includes:

  • A description of the condition of the property

  • Advice on defects and repairs

  • Traffic light condition ratings

  • An independent valuation and reinstatement cost (The surveyor gives an opinion on both the market value of the property and the rebuild cost at the time of the inspection) Please note the HomeBuyer Report does NOT include an estimate of repair costs, but this may be available from the Surveyor upon request

  • Please note the HomeBuyer Report does NOT include an estimate of repair costs, but this may be available from the Surveyor upon request.

RICS Building Survey Report

The Building Survey provides a full breakdown of the fabric and condition of the property, with diagnosis of defects, and repairs and maintenance advice. This will provide you with all the information you need to decide whether you want to proceed with the purchase or pull out because the report may identify problems that were not anticipated. Building Surveys are tailored by the individual surveyor and can address any additional questions or concerns.

The report includes:

  • Detailed analysis of the property's condition

  • Details of urgent defects and advice for legal advisors

  • Please note the Building Survey does NOT include a valuation as standard but this is available as an optional extra

RICS surveys: List
RICS surveys: Contact
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